Saturday, April 20, 2024


It is how it is, no matter how much you try mind is always taking over the heart  n think of it that  there is a space for the heart ,brain ,lungs n kidneys in our body  but there is NO  specific space for the mind ? 
Mind : 

Making  nothing of something to something of nothing that has no relevance whatsoever . That is the starting point of unnecessary war of thoughts, words some  are  negative n some  positive. It is like a grind , one keeps churning one thought after another trying to process the mere words or the hurtful actions of others . That have nothing to do anymore but human nature is such that one  either cribs over the wars of the past or prepare for the battles of the future thus ruining the Present which has so much to give n has so much to live for .

 A Few non existant blows create such a huge mess in one's life that one begins to feel like Ashes from those Bashes ..reminder for  the day should always be "Its Now or NEVER " ..the actions of others  are ones own fault , the  reactions to such actions will become big faults which are uncorrectable ,the simple reason being one's own nature to turn oneself into a FORCED victim . 
Pour cold water of calmness over the heat of fiery actions n objectionable  burning words  at that moment n make oneself better in keeping calm  than  turning worse in burning like hell till one perishes .

Mind is nothing but a product result  of brain versus heart , good or  bad currents that reach the brain from what one hears n watches  n feels all around  ..Allow oneself to blossom like a flower in the garden that is appreciated n loved n desired to be owned n  not grow wild  like the roadside grass  that collects the dust n gets crushed n is unwanted n is shunned..  no one wants to keep that grass on the table  ..only the beautiful flowers decorate the surroundings where ever they are .

It is not easy to overcome something hurtful but it is not impossible to let go n move ahead ..the way one becomes a slave of the mind is exactly the same way to get out of the shackles of such unworthy thoughts . Do it once n keep practicing everytime until the lightness surfaces. It is not easy to  tame your thoughts  but they can be controlled. Keep Practicing  , it is possible. 

Be Kind 
Be Grateful 


It is said that most of our time is consumed in trying to have the HAVE NOT'S n once you HAVE them the real race begins .Now the HAVE NOT'S  list comes up n the sole purpose of having the HAVE'S  has changed ..all our energy is now  spent in running behind what you want to HAVE , nothing else  matters when your focus is to obtain the HAVE NOT'S  ...
This desire is so strong that you are blinded to such an extent that the HAVE'S that  you have lose all existence n now it becomes a war between heart n mind . There is nothing that can satisfy the heart n nothing lets  the mind rest in peace .

Without ever valuing the HAVE'S you let them rot n they become lack lustre just because you never had the HAVE NOT'S  . 

Basically humans are competing with themselves not to become better humans ,I am sorry , but to own more than what they HAVE n the HAVE NOT'S play  on their minds so much that the HAVE'S are totally ignored. 

I read somewhere that you are only buying stuff that you DO NOT need n will never use  .  The best  example is that of a   'A Very Expensive car' that you bought n then you go ahead n buy a less expensive car to drive around  because you fear that   'A Very Expensive car' may get scratced  or get dented in traffic .So now you HAVE it , but the desire to own the HAVE NOT'S has made  it to the underground garage forever  n lost all value of owning it in the first place ..

 We go on collecting things that we no longer need n use  .The desire to ' HAVE 'ends once you own it n you run behind the next  HAVE NOT'S ..A lot of energy, strength n hardwork has gone in collecting enough funds to have the HAVE NOT'S .. know the real worth of  HAVE'S , try to calm the ever wandering n wavering Mind ..

Value everything that you HAVE n this includes the gift of LIFE as well ..



Thursday, April 4, 2024


From now on..

There stands tall the enormous danger of the unknown future that scares the crap out of everyone .Not one being feels safe from its wrath .The shackles of uncertainty are more  in the head than what is outside  , we are all living in fear n are unable to reason out the possibilities of making it look any smaller .The more scared one is of the danger  the bigger it grows  ..

From now on - one must begin to live a life with caution .Gone are the days of carelessness, its time to change how  n whether one wants to live , begin by eating healthy  as well as living healthy . Its time to live a fancy free  life . All the solutions lie within us if we want to make a change only then comes the change . 

From now on - There has to be a passion to live n to have that passion one needs to follow the new routine of life with vigor,  which is  easy said than done . In past , life  had been so comfortable  that none ever bothered to come out of that easygoing lifestyle ..

From now on - be aware , alert n conscious. In the  present situation where we are getting  minute by minute  information of the devastation all around  we need to separate facts from fake . Grasp only what is genuinely factual , follow your instinct n practice to change the mindset . 

From now on - work towards the possibility  of surety in actions .which  is literally  pushing a sqaure into a circle situation .Hard to achieve but possible with sheer mind power  n bodily strength . It is upto each of us to make a difference , we need to support the family to get through these taxing situations  . Outdoor support is much more ,  people expect us to act in a certain manner  , the protection , the distance , the caution  all have to be followed . Any kind of casual behaviour  can be fatal ..

From now on - consider that this would be our contribution towards society in  the process of tackling  this  persistent problem . It may  all sound clichè  , but the need of the hour is to stand united with one thought of fighting on , reaching one goal of getting through n  one strong ambition to just "DO IT NOW" n give our many fold percent to  this cause by  uniting n winning this war ..

From now on - live a life you are required to live . Rules are made to be followed , unfortunately  all  possible  rules have been twisted for our convenience.  Its time to live up to the our OWN expectations , learn to  live in obedience n not in defiance ..

From now on - the mantra is "I AM DOING IT" ,there is no 'I can or I will ' . By doing  it yourself  you get the right to question  the other . There is not  an ounce of suspicion  that if we do it  whole heartedly we can assign ourselves a life to live  n not a regretful departure .

From now on - a new chapter in our lives shall begin,  new strength to fight back, a new lesson for  bettering the  skills of working at home n working from home , what things we need n things wasting in our closets to be segragated , the need to keep or snap relationships ,  learning the difference  between working alone n working with others n raising the bar of non ‐expectancy but going one step ahead to lend a helping hand ..

From now on - make it look approachable n nor far  fetched . We the people , for the people , by the people ,  can achieve this .. 


Beauty the Beastly

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder  , but these days the eyes of the beholder speak a thousand words of  comparison n criticism  , hence beauty tumbles n falls flat on its face n then rises this Humpty Dumpty n begins to  fix the broken pieces back into their place with the help of the endless beastly beauty solutions. 

It is fine to look  pretty but it's a awful to look normal . This affects the young women , the notion of " Beauty is the only Beautiful" remains deeply engraved on their minds , it has an everlasting  effect on the fragile hearts ..

It is ugly to be obsessed  with Beauty . Very unfortunately  beauty is given so much importance  in our society  n culture that an endless journey of trying this n that to look beautiful begins at a very early age..

 With so much social pressure n fetish fascination to look appealing n attractive , women  obsessively  begin a  frantic search  for beauty miracles . Looks n bodies become prime epitome of  obsession . In fact there is a Beauty Production going on these days ,  Beauty is man - made now  .
It is more like cultural  artifact..

No matter how educated n highly placed  women are , most women  feel insecure with their looks .Judgement of  beauty  brings despondency . It so seems that beauty  is going to speak volumes of their job n not the hardwork that they put in .We are fixated on perceived physical  flaws that do not exist , we simply make them up in our heads ..

 Social media has made us more conscious of our natural flaws n these demons stalk us all around , clicking a selfie  taking a picture in one go has become atrociously impossible without perfect poses n pouts ..

Are we beauty sick ?? I think we are .

Self criticism is making us scrutinise  ourselves constantly  resulting in this dismal  disease . The beasts of the beauty industry offer better skin colour , shapely noses , twinkling smiles n  perfect body shape . It's ok to try it once becomes try try try again ..

 Stop denigrating your own appearance. Collect yourselves n respect who you are .

This focus on women's  beauty isn't  going to go away any time sooner . We can turn down the  volume of this jarring noise which  is perpetually  trying to blast out brains  out . Do not cross the  beauty line to reach the beastly heights . Do not fuss around  wishing  to look like her or her ..

Penchant for beauty should be in limits , it should not  hurt women . The eating disorders , the depression  n going under the knife with possible complications are common trauma that women face . They end up spending more money to get out of these traumatic situations  than what they spent on failed beauty jobs.

It is a rat race where cats are making  the most of it .
Think about it .. let beauty be natural n 

Respect your bodies n looks . Admire what you see in the mirror.

Be You ..Be Kind ..Be Natural 


Through The Glass Window

I saw a lonely child looking through the glass window , those  large sad eyes filled with hope n longing to be with another  n there rested  a  shiny tear at the corner of the eye  ready to trickle down the soft cheek   ..

(His thoughts)
Wish I could have what I wanted  ,
Wish I  could share these expensive toys n play games meant for two to play  with another ,
Wish I could steal a look into the food plate  of another wanting  to get what was on it ,
Wish I could  share the room with another, Wish I could run all over the house chasing n getting chased for a mere  coloured paper , 
Wish I could jump on the bed  laughing n going crazy with another ,
Wish I could go out to play with another , 
Wish I could fight over a simple ball or a  pencil or a piece of chocolate ,
Wish I had competition  at home , fear of getting less marks than another ,
Wish I could gun to get better results than another ,
Wish I had someone else hugging n loving mom more than me so I could be jealous of another ,
Wish I could run crazy in the supermarket  with another in the trolley ,
Wish I could fight for a bed time story ,
Wish I could cry for the same school bag like another  ,
Wish I could tell my secrets to another ,
Wish I could share my fears with another ,
Wish I could learn silly things from another ,
Wish I was punishment n spanked for  fighting  with another ,

Wish I had another ..

Why mom n dad  never thought about what I wanted ,
Why did they just stuff my room with million toys n no one to play with ,
Why did they buy me so many clothes n shoes n no one to compete with ,
Why did they not let me ask for things n   throw a tantrum over not getting what the other got ,
Why would they bring gifts I never needed ,
Why I had to wait all day to look at another face ,
Why  I had to sit in silence n behave all day ,
Why sending me to the best school was status symbol ,
Why I had to eat alone  ,
Why did they feed me the loneliness , 
Why did they  always shut  me up with a smart phone or a  tablet ,
Why I always got the guilty gifts ,
Why they never felt responsible of this crime of crushing my feelings n my dreams ,
Why they never saw my tears ,
Why they never felt the pain behind my wailing  ,

Tell me ..
Why getting me another was not important 

I long for half a  piece of chocolate ,
I long for sitting first in the car  ,
I long for company  my size n not adults ,
I long to stay awake n play  with another while you both are partying away ,
I long for a race to garden ,
I long to snatch the teddy from another's hand  n watch them cry n return it  wiping away their tears ,
I long to cuddle n hug my that another ,

It breaks my heart to be  one n lonely 



COMMUNICATION  was once the job of the pigeons ,they would fly from one place to another carrying notes n letters tied to their feet .  Not extensive  but just enough to give exact news about important happenings .

People were never this anxious or worried  or curious about the world for they all lived happily  in a small world of their own . No news was considered  good news . 
Times changed  we became more connected the  world shrunk into the idiot box . With increased  awareness our  curiosity levels  reached the point of insanity . We became non‐ thinking intelligent zombies. 

It is good to be well informed but excessive  statistics n discrepancy of  news is nothing but confusion n over usage of negative brain cells hinders the  judgement  of right information .

Television channels became the new argumentation arenas , reaching the dizzy  heights of absurdity in blabbering  n baloney of hogwash . The uncreative matter  exhibiting , jealousy , hate , crime n manipulation became unbearable .
This  boom took over our lives n toppled it  upside down . 

The revolutionary invention  of cellular  phones revised  the meaning of communication  irrationally . The world over became paranoid with this invention  . Access to the outside world  became awfully easy  ,with one touch of  the screen we are  flooded  with millions of options , the confusion added  more confusion to already confused  people . 

Eccentricity took over conformity .

As if this was not enough new apps were introduced  to interact n connect , I do not think anything has made us as unconnected than these. The more the screen COMMUNICATION  the less the one to one  interaction in person . Flashing   words  on the screen can be interpreted distinctively  by various individuals  . One word is enough to bring out the " hurt-my ego-response " causing a new syndrome called "Distressovernothing"  each n  every word is scrutinised n  put under microscope n  it often results in  testing  positive  for the 'Distressovernothing syndrome '.

The communication  was made weildy  but it  became exasperating to relate . The  hurricane of repeated  forwards over n over again are enough to  damage the capacity  of the fragile over loaded brain . Which is already overflowing  with thoughts of whens n hows  to delete  this trashy junk . It eats up the space of the cellular phone memory n our brains , tires the eyes n numbs our thumbs n fingers with over usage . 

 Frustration affects the psyche enough for you to plunge into the web of how to do n undo  or  make  or break the system  for phrenic  pacification .

Nonchalance state of mind is forever the most powerful . let not the social media make you believe in fighting the truth . 

Do Not Block Your Minds Block The Unsaught  Mindless Stuff ..



Thinking too much mostly confuses the mind . While you are making up your mind   another thought strikes n makes you changes the course  of action .
Catching the right thought n taking action is the most wise way to do things now . Do not regret the past n do not plan the future as past is hazy n future is unpredictable . Do it for now , enough  planning has been done n it all failed , from big to small, rich to poor all stand trial in the court of time . Past ways of life is a massive regret  , the planning of decades has crashed down . We  are a witness to it . Lets not waste anymore time in self accusation  or  accusing others .

Life is full of surprises n the biggest shocking surprise of all times is what is happening all round  today . It has put us all in dilemma, the unsure minds ,the plans that failed n the unsure future is overwhelming .

Ifs n buts are many , but trusting your own self n wisdom is the need of the hour  .
There is no time to sit back n think as time has made itself elusive, there is no right or wrong time anymore,  you just need to begin right now . Sleep for relief n relaxation . Do not  sleep to see dreams for  big this n big that . Learn to stay calm n content .

People all over the world are caught  up in this indecisional maze n are not able to reach  anywhere . Normal is nothing ,these are special times for normal people . Simultaneously these are going to be normal times for special people who believe  in ' Doing it ' now .

 Learn to take life as it comes ,there is no definition of FUTURE whatsoever ,  future is what you make of it today .

Money- the most important part of our lives has lost its lustre , you are not sure whether to spend it n hoard for future or save for future  n live petty now . We must live simple now as how we lived in the past is nowhere near perfect , it only made things go frantic . The race to be there first n I did it  all butchered the truthfulness of a normal  simple life . Taking rational decisions will shape up the life you want to continue to live . 

- I Am Doing It - will keep things moving  . Do it for self n family . We need one another for support , we need to stand by each other in  these tough times . Provide for others in need if you can . Times are not helping but we can . Help them to help you later . 

Live with right choices n not  with compulsion to choose a competitive life  .
Being alive today is the most important thing .Live it up well.
Every minute of our lives is our decision  . 
Let us live on.

Doing is doing ,thinking of doing  is fallacy .

Stay strong , it is the times that are weak ..



It is how it is, no matter how much you try mind is always taking over the heart  n think of it that  there is a space for the heart ,brain ...